Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cr(ISIS) in the Middle East

The Middle East. To most Americans it is just a common phrase heard on the news, by your relatives during holidays, or a far away place with sand in camels. To the international diplomatic community, it is an intense and constant area full of turmoil, instability, and distrust. To nations that promote democracy, republicanism, and liberty, it serves as a threat to those very institutions. In A Thousand Splendid Suns, Miriam encounters the difficulties of a traditional, often unfair culture that dominates the Middle East. She is wed to a stranger at just fifteen years of age, her husband is a victim of war, and her family places a stigma on her because of the circumstances in which she was born.
However the Middle East is much more than a faraway land with odd customs. They provide the oil that fuel our cars, airplanes, and industries. Yet, civil war in Syria, worldwide dislike of Israel, a weak governments in Yemen and Iraq, a power transfer in America's close trade partners such as Saudi Arabia, a the nuclear state of Iran, all combined with the growing dominance of militant groups such as al-Queda and ISIS threaten the very foundations that this nation holds dear. Simultaneously, their constant threats against freedom, foreigners, school children, and humanity itself divert the world's attention and funds from other causes such as disaster relief and environmental issues. 
Unfortunately, I believe groups like ISIS and al-Queda cannot operate as a fair, civil, and just state and therefore action by military means is required at the expense of the international communities and the American taxpayer. Yet, after dictatorships are toppled such as the heinous one in Iraq, the America recalls its troops far too quickly in order to appease the electorate rather than performing and completing the moral task at hand of reconstruction these war-torn, impoverished, and violent nations. 

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